直木賞作家の今村翔吾さんがプロデュースする「日本ドラフト文学賞」が、本日から募集開始になりました。 https://koubo.jp/contest/252517 作品は「敗者復活方式」なので、他の文学賞で落選した作品でも応募OKです。 「これまで運悪く見落とされてきた才能をサポートしたい」、「出版業界に恩返ししたい」という今村さんの熱い思いがこもった文学賞なので、みなさま是非とも応募をご検討ください。 微力ではございますが、公募ガイド社もお手伝いさせていただきます!
- 浅田邦裕
- 名無しのクリエイターJNJ9
Preparing for the VMware 2V0-41.24 exam can be a challenging journey, but with the right resources, success is within reach. Certshero offers expertly designed VMware 2V0-41.24 exam questions to help you build a deep understanding of the subject matter. Their comprehensive and up-to-date practice materials ensure you’re ready to tackle the exam with confidence. Certshero’s user-friendly platform allows you to practice effectively, identifying your strengths and areas for improvement. With Certshero, you gain the tools needed to excel in your VMware certification journey, ensuring a solid foundation for your professional growth and career advancements in the IT industry. Read More: https://www.certshero.com/vmware/2v0-41.24/practice-test
- 陽心
- まぐまぐろ/(野村齋藤)への返信如月
入選おめでとうございます✨ クスッと笑えますね(≧▽≦)
- 蜂賀三月
#週5公募チャレンジ おはようございます!今日は朝活で公募です🌞 「新時代怪談作家発掘プロジェクト」 https://x.com/takeshobokaidan/status/1854816596835090906 過去に書いた実話怪談を500字に書き直して応募するというのをしているのですが、話の性質上縮めようがないものも多く、全部出し直すことはできなさそうです。怪談って再応募できる機会はそうそうないので、本当は全部改稿して出し直したいくらいなのですが👻 小説ともエッセイとも違うので、なかなか難しいですね。 1作応募できたので、これから仕事します🐝 寒くなってきてますので腰などの調子に気を付けてくださいませ。
- まぐまぐろ/(野村齋藤)への返信蜂賀三月
入選おめでとうございます🎉 作品を読んで「そういう人いるよなぁ」ってふふっとなりました。 おかしみ、共感が共存していて素敵な作品ですね!
- 如月への返信karai
如月さん 写真、綺麗な色ですね。 谷川俊太郎さんの詩集、確かあったはずと本箱を探すもない。 きっと娘の処にあるのだろうと思いますが、わざわざ聞くのも面倒。さて無いとなると、余計読みたくなる。きっとどこの本屋も特設コーナーがあるはず。近日中に本屋に行ってみようと思います。 「一灯の昭和」 まさしくですね。 時代がいかに変わろうとも、複雑化しようとも、多くを語らずに本質をえぐるような素晴らしい詩は、永遠に愛され続けることでしょうね。 何か絵本も読んだ記憶がある。戦争と平和を対比したような。 題名も思い出せないけど、本屋で探せばあるかな。(違ってたら恥ずかしいけど) 追記:NETで調べたらありました。「へいわとせんそう」 表紙を見て思い出しました。
- まぐまぐろ/(野村齋藤)への返信まぐまぐろ/(野村齋藤)
karaiさん ありがとうございます! 鈴鹿川柳会は投句数に対して入選句が多いので、素直な表現というのがよりポイントになると考えています。滑稽な人間の性を上手く衝こうと頭をひねったので、karaiさんにべた褒めしていただけて嬉しいです! いずれは『秀』が取れるようにゆるりと鍛えていきます!
- ゆうぞう
今日、妻と映画「十一人の賊軍」を見に行った。コロナ禍以来映画館に足が遠のいていたが、今回は特別である。尊敬する笠原和夫先生が原案というのを耳にしたから、急遽行く気になった。映画自体は面白かった。(ただ映像的にはやり過ぎと思うが、監督が白石さんだから仕方がない。(笑))。題材は笠原先生らしいと思ったが、テイストが違う気がした。 あとでウィキペディアで調べると、やはり、ラストが笠原先生のは違ったとのこと。わたし自身は笠原先生のラストが性に合うが、今回の池上脚本も現代的でよく工夫していると唸った。見る価値は十分あると思いますので、お時間があれば是非。 なお、若い方はご存じないと思うけど、笠原先生の最高傑作は、「仁義なき戦い四部作」です。一度は見てほしい傑作です。
- まぐまぐろ/(野村齋藤)への返信karai
まぐまぐろさん 入選おめでとうございます! 素晴らしい句ですね。 「切る」をテーマに「啖呵切る」を発想するところに、格の違いを感じました。 ご自身で仰せの通り、「素直」でさらりとした句。それでいて、きっと誰もが「あるある。そういう奴、いるね」と感じるだろうと思います。 選者お二人共が選ばれたのも納得です。 「それなら『秀』でしょう」と外野ながらにやきもきします。 今回も勉強させていただきました。ありがとうございました。
- 名無しのクリエイターEYYD
Bitter Apple Spray: The Ultimate Solution for Chewing Pets: Bitter apple spray is a well-known deterrent for pets that engage in unwanted chewing behaviors. Whether it’s furniture, shoes, or household items, many pet owners struggle with pets that chew on inappropriate objects. Fortunately, bitter apple spray is an effective solution to this common problem. It’s a non-toxic, bitter-tasting spray that discourages pets, especially dogs and cats, from chewing on things they shouldn’t. The key to bitter apple spray's effectiveness lies in its taste. When pets taste the spray, they quickly learn to associate the unpleasant flavor with the object they've chewed, which helps modify their behavior. Bitter apple spray is safe for pets when used as directed, making it a great training tool for managing destructive chewing habits. Applying bitter apple spray is easy—simply spray it on the items your pet tends to chew. For the best results, apply the spray consistently and reapply after cleaning. If you're dealing with a persistent chewer, bitter apple spray is a convenient, safe, and effective way to protect your belongings while teaching your pet proper behavior. ClickHere:https://storiessynergy.com/bitter-apple-spray/
- ぎしん
三共食品『食べるラー油』パッケージキャラクター名前募集 「ラミーおじさん」で応募しましたが「ヤミーおじさん」に決定しました。1文字違うだけなのに佳作にも入りませんでした。Yummyのコンセプトまでは合ってたのに普通過ぎると思ってちょっとひねったのが失敗でした。
- 名無しのクリエイターEYYD
As much as we adore our dogs, one common challenge for pet owners is keeping the house smelling fresh. So, how can I keep my house from smelling like dog? As a dog owner, I've discovered some practical tips to minimize odors and maintain a clean, pleasant-smelling home. First and foremost, regular grooming is essential. Bathing your dog and brushing their coat helps to reduce oils, dirt, and dander, which are major contributors to the smell. Choose pet-safe shampoos and grooming products for the best results. To answer how can I keep my house from smelling like dog, wash your dog’s bedding and toys frequently. These items can absorb odors over time, so clean them on a regular basis. Investing in a good vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter is also key for removing pet hair and dander from your home’s surfaces. Additionally, use air purifiers with activated charcoal to trap unwanted smells. Regularly ventilating your home by opening windows also helps. For a final touch, try using pet-specific air fresheners to keep things smelling fresh. With these tips, you can easily keep your home smelling clean, even with a dog!Click Here:https://storiessynergy.com/keep-house-from-smelling-like-dog/
- 名無しのクリエイターEYYD
The Ultimate Guide to Bitter Apple Spray for Cats: Preventing Destructive Chewing" Bitter apple spray for cats is a highly effective and safe solution to deter your feline friends from chewing on furniture, cords, and other household items. This non-toxic spray contains a bitter taste that cats find unpleasant, helping to stop destructive behaviors. Whether you are dealing with a kitten or an adult cat, using bitter apple spray can protect your belongings while training your pet. The key to success with bitter apple spray for cats lies in its proper application. Simply spray the solution on the areas your cat frequently chews, like furniture legs or electrical cords. The bitter taste will encourage your cat to avoid those areas. Many pet owners find that bitter apple spray for cats works within a few days of use, although you may need to reapply it after cleaning the area. While this product is generally safe for cats, it’s always recommended to do a patch test first to ensure that your pet doesn’t have any allergic reactions. Additionally, bitter apple spray for cats can be found in various brands, so it’s worth exploring options like Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray or Vet’s Best for the best results. Click Here:https://storiessynergy.com/bitter-apple-spray-for-cats/
- 名無しのクリエイターEYYD
Understanding Why Cats Meow While Playing: The Science Behind Feline Fun: Cats are fascinating creatures, and their behaviors often leave us scratching our heads. One intriguing behavior is meowing during playtime with toys. If you’ve found yourself wondering “Why does my cat meow when playing with toys?” or searching for answers about “Why cats meow with toys,” you’re not alone. This article delves into the reasons behind these vocalizations, helping you better understand your feline friend. Click Here:https://storiessynergy.com/why-cat-meows-while-playing/
- 名無しのクリエイターEYYD
How to Start and Succeed with a Pet Care Blog: Expert Tips and Strategies: Creating a pet care blog is an exciting way to share your love for animals, help other pet owners, and build a meaningful online platform. Whether you’re passionate about providing pet care tips or reviewing pet products, a well-planned blog can make a lasting impact. Here’s how to start and optimize your pet care blog for success. Click Here:https://storiessynergy.com/start-a-pet-care-blog/
- 塩水アサリ
pixivさんの公式企画『秋色時間』に参加してきました! よかったら眺めてってください。 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/124424186
- 名無しのクリエイターS172
Mastering Endpoint Security with the Broadcom 250 586 Certification Exam The Broadcom 250 586 Exam focuses on validating the skills of professionals in managing and securing endpoints with Broadcom’s Endpoint Security Complete R2 solution. This exam covers key concepts such as configuring endpoint protection understanding security policies and ensuring system integrity. Candidates will need to demonstrate proficiency in using the software to safeguard corporate environments against various cyber threats. The Broadcom 250 586 Certification Exam is designed for individuals working as technical specialists system administrators or security engineers who are responsible for deploying and managing security solutions for endpoints. As businesses rely on secure systems to protect sensitive data this certification ensures that IT professionals are equipped with the knowledge to maintain a robust security posture. By passing this exam individuals prove their expertise in securing devices managing alerts and implementing preventive measures against threats. To prepare for the exam it's recommended to have hands-on experience with Broadcom Endpoint Security Complete and a strong understanding of endpoint security principles. For complete exam preparation consider using resources like pass4success to guide your study. For more Information visit: https://www.pass4success.com/broadcom/exam/250-586
- まぐまぐろ/(野村齋藤)
#つくログ受賞報告 鈴鹿川柳会 インターネット句会 令6年11月「切る」 平井美智子選 西山竹里選において入選でした。 https://suzusen.sakura.ne.jp/kukaiA.htm 勝てそうな相手にだけは啖呵切る 野村齋藤 10月の反省を生かし、穿ちすぎないように素直に詠みました。 お二人の選者に選んでいただけて光栄です!
- karai
「SOSEKIチャレンジングアワード2024」と、 「小どぞ〈ときめき〉」が書けましたの話。 旅行の後、体調を崩していましたが、ようやくのことほぼ回復。 新作が書けないと嘆いてもいましたが、かずんどさんのおかげで、何だか吹っ切れたようで、「SOSEKIチャレンジングアワード2024」の作を書き上げました。自己評価は、昨年分よりいいはずです。だから入賞するとは限らないけれど。いつものごとく、「評価は他人がするもの。俺の知ったことか」です。 今日は朝から、小どぞの〈ときめき〉のことだけ考えていました。朝から夕方まで頭の中であれこれ。 「ときめき=恋愛物では、短絡にすぎる」と思って他の角度で考えるも、何も浮かばない。結局のところ、やはり「恋愛物」に落ち着く。 でもただの恋愛物じゃ面白くない。何かひねりはないのかと、ずっと考える。 ふと浮かんだアイデアで書いてみる。あらま、意外とすんなり書けました。 なかなかにいい感じです。私は好きです。だって、私が書いたのだから。(^^) 大事に寝かせます。
- 名無しのクリエイターOXW0
Are you looking to advance your career as an IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW) developer? The IBM Business Automation Workflow V20.0.0.2 using Workflow Center Development (C1000-116) exam is your pathway to gaining IBM Certified Developer Certifications. This intermediate-level certification is tailored for developers who focus on creating robust process-driven and case-driven solutions using IBM Workflow Center. The IBM C1000-11 exam validates your skills in automating complex business processes using BAW v20.0.0.2, but it excludes topics like IBM Integration Designer, Filenet P8 Process Designer, and Business Automation Studio. Candidates are expected to be capable of working independently with occasional support from documentation, peers, or vendor services. To ensure you are fully prepared, many sites stand out as a dependable provider of high-quality study materials, including detailed practice exams and comprehensive guides. You can visit Prepbolt for certification guidance. Approach the exam with confidence, knowing that you have access to the resources you need to succeed. Get Free Demo: https://prepbolt.com/paths/ibm/data/c1000-116
- 名無しのクリエイターLF09
Transform Your Online Presence with DE IT SOLUTION At DE IT SOLUTION, we specialize in creating dynamic, user-friendly websites tailored to meet your business needs. Our website design and development services are designed to help you stand out in the digital world, combining cutting-edge technology with creative design. Whether you're looking for comprehensive web design development or searching for web development services near me, we’ve got you covered. Our solutions focus on responsive designs, seamless navigation, and SEO-optimized development to enhance user experience and boost visibility. Partner with DE IT SOLUTION to elevate your brand with professional website design and development services that drive results. Let’s build your digital future today! https://deitsolution.com/website-design-and-development/
- remchanへの返信remchan
- 如月
一灯の昭和の消ゑて冬薔薇 (いつとうのしょうわのきえてふゆそうび) 季語・冬薔薇 谷川俊太郎さんの訃報を聞いて、 学生時代、友人と詩を朗読したのを、思い出しました。 昼休みに立ち寄った書店内。 青い鳥文庫に、谷川俊太郎さんの詩集があり、手にとってみると、かの懐かしい詩に再会。 仕事の移動での疲れを、癒された思いでした。 谷川俊太郎さん、たくさんの素晴らしい詩を、ありがとうございました。 安らかでありますように。
- 名無しのクリエイターV1XS
Signs of Suspension Problems Symptoms In the Nottingham area, car owners should be vigilant for suspension issues in their cars, as even minor issues can quickly escalate into more serious, costly repairs. Best MOTS & Auto Repairs Garage in Nottingham, UK https://absmotsauto.co.uk/services/suspension/ One of the most common suspension problems in vehicles is related to the front suspension. If you notice your car pulling to one side, or the steering wheel vibrating, it could indicate worn-out components like struts or ball joints. Similarly, car rear suspension problems often present themselves as bouncing or swaying when driving over uneven surfaces or difficulty maintaining control when turning or braking. These issues can make the ride feel unstable and reduce your vehicle’s overall handling. Book your online appointment for a suspension check or repair service https://absmotsauto.co.uk/online-booking/ Another key symptom to watch for is suspension system issues, such as strange noises like clunking or rattling when driving over bumps. This could point to damaged shock absorbers or suspension bushings that need replacing. Addressing these suspension problems early can help prevent further damage and improve the safety and comfort of your vehicle. If you’re in Nottingham and experiencing any of these suspension problems in your car, it’s crucial to get your vehicle inspected by a professional to ensure everything is functioning properly.
- 高司めろん
おさかな俳句に応募しました🐠⋆* 季語の扱いがまだまだ分からないのですが、これを気に俳句も読んでいきたいと思います( °꒳°ミэ )Э˖° https://koubo.jp/contest/252258
- 名無しのクリエイターUF41
CloudBees Certification is a gateway to demonstrating your expertise in DevOps practices and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) using CloudBees solutions. By mastering this certification, you validate your ability to optimize software development pipelines, implement automation, and enhance collaboration across teams. Achieving CloudBees certification strengthens your credentials in the competitive DevOps domain while equipping you with the skills to streamline software delivery processes and drive innovation. Preparing for CloudBees certification exams can be challenging due to the depth of knowledge required and the technical complexities involved. However, with the right resource such as TestInsights Practice Questions, you can simplify your preparation and enhance your learning process. These materials provide hands-on experience, real-world scenarios, and in-depth explanations to ensure you’re fully prepared for the certification. For More Info Visit: https://testinsights.com/exams/cloudbees
- remchanへの返信ゆうぞう
- 名無しのクリエイターNNJ0
Are you preparing for the AZ-500 exam and looking for resources that simplify your journey? https://www.premiumdumps.com/microsoft/azure-security-engineer-associate-dumps Premium Dumps offers comprehensive AZ-500 exam questions and answers for just $79.00, tailored to ensure your success. Their valid and updated Azure Security Engineer Associate certification dumps include a range of questions that simulate the real exam environment, providing clarity on complex topics. Additionally, Premium Dumps includes a detailed AZ-500 study guide in PDF format to help structure your preparation effectively. This combination of resources ensures you can approach the AZ-500 exam confidently and efficiently.
- 名無しのクリエイターZ5DT
Blockchain CBSA Certification Benefits and Career Impact The Blockchain CBSA Certification (Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect) is a valuable certification for professionals aspiring to expertise in blockchain technology. It validates your ability to design and implement blockchain-based solutions, making you an essential participant in a rapidly growing industry. CBSA Certification improves your career by opening doors to roles such as Blockchain Architect, Developer, or Consultant. Companies across sectors like finance, supply chain, and healthcare are actively seeking certified professionals to streamline processes and drive innovation. You can succeed in the CBSA certification exam if you study with reliable and updated resources like Pass4Future. Their preparation materials include study guides and CBSA practice exams which are up-to-date and trending. For CBSA Practice Exam Visit: https://www.pass4future.com/blockchain/exam/cbsa The CBSA Certification also boosts your earning potential. Certified professionals are in high demand, often commanding premium salaries due to their specialized skills. Pass4Future study resources assure that you are well-prepared to acquire this valuable certification and stand out in the blockchain job market. Invest in the CBSA Certification to gain honor, improve your marketability, and grow your career in blockchain technology.